Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Am I Gaining?

Every so often, I move into a selfish mode concerning our decision to homeschool.  Recently, I have begun to wonder what I have been missing.  The boys are almost 7 years old and Leanne almost 5 and I have never sent them to day care or preschool or even to school.  I have never known the freedom of part of my day being child-free for cleaning, grocery shopping or laundry. In this realization, I have been selfishly thinking about what I am missing.  The free time, the freedom from responsibility/burden of choosing to school our children at home, is that what I am missing?  Last week, I began to read a book on home-schooling. Thanks to this book, I have been reminded about what I am gaining.  I know my children better than anyone. (except Doug)  I see their excitement of learning. I know that I am responsible for their manners, their education, their responsibility. I can't pass that buck to the school system.

The free time I don't have is a trade off for my kids to hopefully not be influenced by their peers.  When I was reading the book 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential by Zan Tyler I skipped directly to the end. She had written a chapter about her homeschool journey. She began homeschooling in SC in 1984 when it was illegal and almost went to jail as she fought the battle to the state supreme court. I am thankful for women like her who paved the way so that I can have the right and privilege to teach my children at home!  Also there were messages from each of her now grown children talking about being homeschool meant to them. These messages helped me look past the difficulty of day to day teaching and child rearing to realize that my time and effort and at time tears will be worth my children being best friends for life and the closeness that we will most likely share. I also realize the opportunities my children will have because I have made this choice. They will not have to conform to the mold of traditional education that has to meet everyone's needs. I can meet his/her needs right where they are and allow, even help foster them to bloom in areas that may not have even been available in traditional school. Books like Mrs. Tyler's are good to read every now and again to keep me focused and my eye on the big picture.

So, to answer my question... What Am I Gaining? A lifetime with my children!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All About Spelling

When you are homeschooling, picking out the right curriculum is really hard.  Every curriculum says that it is the best and we are left to discern whether or not it is. Last spring, I shopped for many hours for 1st grade curriculum. Language and spelling is one area that I made a bad choice.  In January, I scrapped what I had done the 1st semester and began frantically looking for something else. I came upon All About Spelling!

Let me 1st say that we all LOVE it! There are days where the boys argue about who gets to do their spelling first! How fun is that?  It is really teaching them to spell, not just memorize spelling words which I also love. They boys are learning if they can spell mat and cap, then there are a ton of other words that they also know how to spell!  This program uses visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles of learning, so it is good for most children. It is not consumable and I love that! I will not have to buy it for Leanne, what I use for Timothy and Parker, I just keep and use for her.

All About Spelling is almost an inclusive phonics program as well.  There are books that coincide with the spelling call All About Reading. These are delightful hard back books with beautiful penciled illustrations, with simple words and sentences.  These books are really helping Timothy's confidence in the area of reading.  I will never shop for another spelling program. We are currently in level 1, but there are 8 levels.

What made me try this is that there is a one year, money back guarantee. But I guarantee that you won't want to use it!

All About Spelling

Tim is spelling a word using the tiles      

This allows him to hear the sound and then see the letter using a technique called segmenting

He is doing 100% better with spelling and reading since starting this program 2 months ago.  Parker could read well before this, but his spelling has improved a great deal!
Timothy LOVES his all about reading book to go with the spelling program! He is very proud that he has now finished this book. He starts book 2 this week.