I have been struggling with this for some time now, and being married to a Southern Baptist ordained minister makes it even more of a challenge for me. I feel like I am supposed to support everything that the Southern Baptist say... I don’t. I want to live by the Bible... the Word of God, not a list of manmade rules, that may or may not have enough scripture backup to form rules and regulations to live by. I am aggravated at the denominational doctrines as a whole. They spend too much time arguing who is right and who is wrong; they appear to often be more worried about who has the most members rather than how many people have actually changed their lives and are living differently because of the power of the Holy Spirit. This attitude is transferring to our churches. We tend to forget that the church is commanded to go out and make disciples... not go out and get another butt in the seat. Disciples live for Christ. They do whatever it takes to live for Him and to help other people live for Him.
I have been so excited to be a part of High Rock Community Church in Salisbury,NC this month. We have been doing a series called Whatever It Takes and we are stepping outside of the box to show our community how big God can be. We are doing whatever it takes to show people that God cares about them and that He often works through the people of the church. I am praying that this attitude, this mindset of getting out of our box (the church walls) continues... imagine a church that the community would miss. Imagine a church that allowed God out of the box to show the world how big He is. Let’s forget about the debatable issues of the denominations and get out of the box the church has made and be the church that God intended... a church that helps everyone, a church that goes out to the people, a church that lives together and prays together and eats together and serves together and loves together. A church that allows God to be bigger than the box.
I want to live outside of the box. I don’t want to do what everybody else is doing because it is what everyone else has done. I don’t want to try to make God fit inside of box that I can understand. He is way to big for that! I don’t want to live by the doctrines that are made by man that have little to no scriptural support. God is bigger than that too. I want to live outside of the box because God lives in me and he is bigger than the box.
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