Friday, November 7, 2008

God Protects!

How many times have we asked God to “be with us” or have asked God for his protection?  For me, the times are too many to count and usually I go through our day with no idea what God has done for me or how He protects me.  There may even be times in your life where you have wondered if he does protect you, especially if you have had bad things happen in your life.  I have always believed that we usually have no idea how many harms we have been protected from.  Bad things happen in our lives, but how much does God protect us from?  We will probably never know...

Yesterday I took the kids to Virginia to visit my grandmother.  When we got in the van, I asked God to keep us safe and to protect us as we travel.  On the way home last night, I heard a terrible loud noise and felt a vibration.  I stopped the van on the side of the highway knowing I had a flat tire.  I got out and went to look at the tire that I thought was flat.  In the dark, it was not flat and nothing appeared to be wrong with it.  Assuming that I had just run over something, I got back into the van and drove another 20 miles at 70 mph home.  When Doug came home, he was so thankful that the kids and I were alive and safe.  When I asked why, he told me that my tire was very badly damaged and that nothing other than God’s protection had brought us home safely without the tire blowing.

I have no idea how many things God has protected me from in my life, but last night He reminded me loud and clear that He is with me and will never leave me.  I am thankful for His presence in my life and the protection that He offers me.  I know that suffering will happen in my life, but I have no idea how much suffering God has kept from my life.  I do know what He protected me from last night!

Thank you Lord for you love and your protection.  Thank you for bringing me and my children home safe last night.  Thank you for allowing me to park in a way that Doug saw the tire to get a new one today so that I would not continue driving on this tire.  Thank you for all of the things that you have ever protected me from and for all of the things that you will ever protect me from.  I love you, Lord!

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