The lights are on the tree, the garland is on the porch, the cookie jar is waiting to be filled with our favorite sweet treats, the kids are excited! Yes, Christmas is coming. I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year! I secretly can’t wait for Christmas to come each year. When you hear people complain and dread Christmas it makes me sad. I love everything about it! I love the baking and the smells, the decorations, the music (which I always start listening to before Thanksgiving), buying gifts, wrapping and decorating packages; what’s not to love?
I want my children to have great Christmas memories and to love Christmas as much as I do, even when they are older. I hope my boys will want to decorate and bake with me when they are teenagers, even if they don’t tell their friends. I hope that all of them are as excited as I am when they have families of their own. I want to savor these days. Baking with my kids, seeing the lights twinkle in their eyes as they ask, “When will it be Christmas?”
I also love what Christmas is about; God giving! God gave us the greatest gift ever when he gave us eternal life with Him by sending His son to save us. I feel God’s love all year, I feel His presence, but there is something extra special I feel at Christmas... knowing I am celebrating Him and all that He is and all that He has given. It is kind of like a wedding which to most is very special takes a lot of work and rushing around and a lot of money to celebrate love and the couple. Christmas is so special to me that I plan and cook and decorate and give gifts just to celebrate our Lord. It is a party for Him and I am not ashamed of that. I begin looking forward to next year as soon as this one is over. I get into the spirit and I love it because I love God. We celebrate, we party, we eat, we give... because He Gave.
Merry Christmas!