Sunday, May 23, 2010


I love springtime! Everything is new and fresh. Things are coming alive, the colors are vibrant. Flowers are blooming. The air is fragrant. I wonder why my life can’ be like that all of the time...

Just like each year goes through seasons, I have come to the conclusion that my life goes through seasons. There are seasons like spring and summer with intense growth and vibrancy and then there are seasons like winter and fall where my growth is dormant. Oh, how I long for and hope for my life to be spring and summer all of the time, but the reality is, it is not. I have recently been in a dormant state. I have been busy and often overwhelmed with life and just doing stuff that I have not allowed myself to continue growing. I know without a shadow of a doubt what God wants from me but because of my dormant growth, I have produced nothing.

As I realize this, I am saddened that I have allowed myself into this state, but encouraged because after a plant has been dormant, when it awakens to the light and warmth of the sun it experienced extreme and rapid growth. This is my prayer... I want to awaken to the light and warmth of my Lord and experience extreme and rapid growth. I want to bloom, I want to produce the fruit that God has made me to produce. I think blooming for God is going to be exciting :-)

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